Mikey’s Daycare & Out of School Care Centre provides meals and snacks to children attending the Centre. The Centre provides two snacks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, as well as breakfast and lunch. The times for eating are as follows:
Breakfast is available for children who arrive at the Centre if they did not eat at home. The daycare provides meals and snacks that follow Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating. Meal plans are posted on the Parent Bulletin Board so that parents are aware of the food being provided at the Centre.Parents will provide formula and baby foods for infants. When the child is able to eat semi-solid foods and solid foods, the Nursery staff will use foods supplied by parents and food from the regular menu of the
daycare, always ensuring that it is cut up in small pieces, crushed or ground into suitable sized bites for the child.Infant formula and bottles brought to the Centre for babies are to be clearly labeled by the parents.